On Monday August 23, the Prepare Ship team gathered for the second film production. This short movie will show the implementation of the predictor system during the test weeks in August. This is a sneak peak behind the scenes when producing this documentary where we see Peter Sand from “One sight one vision” filming the team when testing the system in the archipelago of Gothenburg.
We had a beautiful summer day with extraordinary weather giving us the best conditions for a nice movie. Stay tuned for the final result that will come up in September 2021!
Below you see some footage of the team during the film production August 23.
The clip show a meeting between Stena Danica and Stena Jutlanica taken from one of the test boats. The filmer is located on another boat filming the scene with a meeting between three boats. Predicting ship positions in narrow fairways is one of the purposes of the Prepare Ships predictor system. Beside positioning accuracy the film will also adress the problem with shallow waters, a common problem in the maritime sector that has led to serious accidents.