+46 10-516 5000 info@prepare-ships.eu

Four questions to Patrick Henkel, CEO ANavS

1. What is your role in the project?ANavS has a key role in Prepare Ships, i.e. it develops a Multi-Frequency, Multi-GNSS RTK/ PPP receiver with a tightly coupled sensor fusion. The objective is to achieve centimetre- to decimeter-level positioning accuracy at any...

Prepare Ships on the European Space Week

The Prepare Ships project will present at the European Space Week. The session will take place on 10th December, 15-16h CET. EU Space Programme and its contribution to security and emergency response Common Synergies between the various components of the EU Space...

FakECDIS Up and Running

https://prepare-ships.eu/media/2020/10/FAKECDIS-Mozilla-Firefox-2020-10-14-13-33-23_Stor_Trim.mp4 PREPaRE Ships has worked on setting up the testing environment for the testing of the dynamic predictor module. We call the simplified ECDIS used for testing FakECDIS,...

Prepare Ships will Present at ICMASS2020 conference

PREPaRE Ships will present the concept for increased shipping safety based on accurate psoitions with high integrity on the ICMASS 2020 conference. If you are interested to listen, please register for the conference here: * Registration :...

Prepare Ships makes use of Copernicus

PREPaRE Ships intends to make use of the Copernicus features, especially for testing and validation purposes. We are happy to make use of these advanced services in our project.  Marine data is an engine for “smart and sustainable growth” in the European Union, as...